250 Millimeter Plastic Body, Santoprene Edge 26-Mar-02

Body Information Edge Information Assembly Information

Body ID Edge ID Material Style Ribs VCID Material Style Roll ID Roll OD Diameter Height* Attach Notes

10B1001A A-566 Plastic Straight 0 38.79 Santoprene Half 175.56 233.48 248.285 47.928 Angle

4 5

10B1001A A-566 Plastic Straight 0 38.79 Santoprene Half 175.56 233.48 248.920 47.928 Angle

4 5

10B1001A A-566 Plastic Straight 0 38.79 Santoprene Half 175.56 233.48 251.460 47.928 Angle

4 5

10B1000P A-566 Plastic Curved 0 39.20 Santoprene Half 175.56 233.48 248.285 45.237 Angle

1 5

10B1000P A-566 Plastic Curved 0 39.20 Santoprene Half 175.56 233.48 248.920 45.237 Angle

1 5

10B1000P A-566 Plastic Curved 0 39.20 Santoprene Half 175.56 233.48 251.460 45.237 Angle

1 5


1 -Additional Connector Tooling required - contact L.C.C.

All dimensions and specifications are based on tooling dimensions and do

not necessarily reflect exact dimensions of finished parts, and are subject to Page 98

change without prior notice.

* Includes 0.8128 mm neck height.

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